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Willow Year 3/4

RE- acting out the Lost Son

History & Art learning about Papyrus

Art - making our Egyptian scrolls

Football match- PE trip

DT- Lego building afternoon

Art- designing our Ancient Egyptian scrolls

PE- practicing our rugby throws

Maths - making numbers to 1000

RE - exploring the word reconciliation

PE- perfecting our balancing and agility skills

Reading in our library

Summer 1


It has been a very busy Summer term and it seems to have flown by! We have covered an awful lot once again. It’s been so wonderful to see the children progress and really come into themselves. 
In maths, we have covered decimals, money and time. In English, we have written some fabulous pieces and the children are really impressing me. In DT, we have been making seasonal tarts which has been great fun. In PSHE, we have been talking all things money! The children have been really engaged in this and most of them now want to learn how to budget. 
We have been on some fantastic trips; the farm trip was such fun as was our Hands on Heritage trip. 

Have a lovely half term, 

The Willow Class Team 😊

PSHE. Today we spent some time thinking about things that make us special.

Science - Sound!

Cutting and peeling in DT

English den building for our new book Weslandia

Guided reading in the sun

Spring Term 2

Another quick half term but yet we have achieved so much! In maths this half term we have been tackling fractions and decimals! Tricky concepts but the children have done really well. 
In English, we have been writing our matchbox diaries, thinking about the voyage over to America in the 1800s and exploring emotive language. The writing from the children has been exceptional and we are really starting to see some incredible progression. 
Within DT this half term we have been making torches which has linked very nicely into our science unit, electricity! We have made circuits, discussed insulators and conductors and thought about how best we can save energy. 

Well done to all the children! Have a fantastic Easter, eat lots of chocolate and have fun! 

Festival of light- celebrating Diwali

Making our torches in DT

British Science Week

English writing unit - our diary matchboxes

Making circuits in science!

Spring term 1 


What a quick half term we have had! Although short, we have covered an awful lot. In maths, we have focused on measurement, division & multiplication. Keep powering through with your times table practice! In English, we have written limericks, short poems, a lovely narrative and a diary entry! We have covered two lovely texts called 'The Pied Piper of Hameline and Cinnamon'. The children have loved our units this half term and are becoming confident writers! 
In geography, we have been learning all about climate change! This will be continuing next half term and the children have really impressed me with their knowledge. Within science, we have been continuing to work on states of matter, the children will really impress with their knowledge of the water cycle (especially the song!)

Within art this half term, we have been studying various artists such as Maud Purdy and Georgia O'Keefe, focusing on abstract art, particularly botanical flowers. The children have created some beautiful drawings that they should be proud of! 

Have a lovely half term and a well-deserved rest, 

The Willow Class Team! 

Testing our senses in English!

Measuring perimeter in maths!

Debating in English

Autumn Term 2023

We have had such fun in Willow class this term. We have covered so many things and the children have really impressed me with their knowledge. 
In maths, we have covered place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication & division! In English, we have covered various genres and some lovely writing has been achieved. In science, we have been looking at states of matter and rocks. History and geography have been exciting this term and we have covered volcanoes, mountains, earthquakes and the Stone Age - Iron Age era! 
We have been lucky enough to experience Stone Age day which the children throughly enjoyed & the Year 4’s had a wonderful time on their archeological dig. 

Have a lovely Christmas break! 
The Willow Class Team! 

Our amazing Stone Age day!

Some of our DT structures

Science experiments!

Willow Class 22/23

Maths challenges!

Fun at Bawdsey Radar museum!

Some line graph work. We had lots of fun drawing on the tables!

Summer 2 - some art in the sun! We were sketching landscapes today & the children loved it!

Summer 2 - drumming with Wooden Roots

Summer 1 newsletter

Spring Term 2 newsletter

Comic relief. What a wonderful array of red! Super job Willow class 😊

Women’s history month. Amelie and Jacob had a rummage at home and shared these wonderful books with us all.

PSHE - our bodies. The children loved this!

British Science Week - Careers Fair

Spring 1 newsletter

We had such a fantastic time showing off our Egyptian work to our lovely parents!

Reading our biographies to Cedar Class

October 22- We had a fabulous time in Topic mummifying our tomatoes. We hope to see what they look like in a few weeks.

October 22- The Chocolate Experiment. Today we were experimenting with the melting points of different types of chocolate.

We had a lot of fun learning about Roman Numerals! We even got to go on a treasure hunt, solving the Roman Numeral clues.

Our Ancient Egyptian Crowns

Place value! Making maths accessible & fun

Our amazing Egyptians!

The currant experiment! We were learning all about solids, liquids & gases
