Who's Who
Headteacher: Lucie Fairweather (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Class Teachers:
Jess Greenhow - Ash Class (EYFS)
Grace Headley- Cedar Class (Yr 1 / 2)
Chloe Sheehan - Willow Class (Yr 3 / 4)
Kelly Frost (Senior Teacher & Alternate DSL) Elm Class (Yr 5/6)
SENDCO: Lucie Fairweather
Office Staff:
Christine Matthews - Business Manager
Kerrie Rosser-Lloyd - Office Manager
Learning Support Assistants:
Mandy Bell
Tracey Butcher
Suzanne Cosgrove
Maddie Hayward-Brackenbury
Kerry Abbott
Sam Tye (Alternate DSL)
Cook-in-Charge: Aspens
Mid-Day Supervisors: Kerry Abbott, Mandy Bell, Tracey Butcher, Emma Tilbury
Wrap Around Care Supervisors: Sam Tye and Vicki Marsh
Caretaker/Cleaner: Kleen and Maintain Ltd.
Chair of Governors: Mike Jones
Governor with Responsibility for Safeguarding: Amy Lever
Union Officials: none currently