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Elm Year 5/6

Autumn term 

Learning about the history of computers and creating a presentation.

Year 6 learning life skills at crucial crew.

Writing a sequel to ‘The Island’ by Armin Greder

Investigating forces in science.

Learning about Childline in PSHE

Enjoying time in the new library.


There have been so many exciting things happening this term, it is difficult to know where to begin. Year 6 have had SATs, while the Year 5s completed a comic themed project week; we have begun rehearsing for our school play; and had some super enrichment activities, including bikeability and geography field studies. 

Norfolk Lakes Residential Report

Year 5 comic strip and art

Celebrating after SATs!

Examples of work from geography, English, PSHE, maths and science.


It has been an incredibly busy half term, with the children making themselves proud through their effort and determination across the curriculum. Some of the highlights have included: our first geography unit of the year on coastal erosion; some experimental installation art; and not to forget the opportunity to try out some SATs papers. It has been wonderful to see the class thriving on their challenges and celebrating their successes as they see themselves making excellent progress in their learning. Well done to Elm class. 

Coastal erosion in geography

Installation ‘chair’ art

A visit from the school nursing team to answer questions about puberty.

Poetry based on the text, 'Can we save a tiger?'

Autumn 2023

Goodbye and good luck to Mrs Mayhew!

Sharing a story with Ash class, after helping them make a Christmas craft.

Testing different materials to find the best thermal insulator in science.

A busy term of history, learning about the Ancient Egyptians and the Tudors.

Inspired by the story 'Windrush Child' the class have written letters to the Mayor of London, to express how they feel about commemorating the Windrush generation.

Summer 1

This half term has been super busy for Elm Class. They absolutely smashed their SATs and we couldn't be prouder. However, we have managed to complete lots of learning with a wider curriculum focus, which definitely deserves a mention. Our topic on World War 2 has really captured the children's interests, from thinking about evacuees to creating art inspired by their emotions surrounding the blitz. In PSHE, we have been thinking about ways to keep ourselves healthy, as well as practising how to stay calm in an emergency. While in PE, our rounders unit came to an end with some fun competition as we took on Silver Birch; Elm class then went head to head as Years 4, 5 and 6 split in half and competed against one another. All round a great half term of learning. Enjoy the break. 

Great team effort to take first place at the swimming gala - well done team Eyke.

What a wonderful time we had in London!

Using a range of equipment, from measuring tapes to decibel readers, the children are confident in showing they can work scientifically. Ask them what they have found out about sound this half term.

Too wet for the rec! Instead we had a classroom picnic after a fun swimming session.

A well deserved run around after completing two maths papers this morning.

Relaxing with a bit of dodgeball after the reading paper.

All ready for SATs - well done Year 6!

Elm Class - Spring 2.

Elm Class -Spring 1, 2023

Goodbye to Elm 2022

Jina and the Stem Sisters at Snape
