ACES - Our School PTA
Welcome to ACES (Active Community of Eyke School), our PTA.
All parents and carers of children attending the school are automatically members of our PTA. When you support us, you're not just baking a cake, attending an event or giving up your time by volunteering – you're buying play equipment for your child to use at break time, technology for their classroom, books for the school library and fun learning experiences. You're also making new friends, strengthening the school community and helping to make your child's school an even better place. It's great for the kids too – there's a direct link between parental involvement at school and how well children do. Being involved in the PTA not only improves your child's school, it makes you an excellent role model too.
ACES objectives are:
Our goal is to provide the funding to help enhance and further the children's learning experiences and opportunities. Our funds benefit all the children and come from the fundraising initiatives and events we hold during the school year. We also work to nurture relationships between the staff, parents, carers and other people associated with the school.
Fundraising in recent years through ACES has contributed towards play equipment, computers, software, an outdoor classroom, staging and musical instruments. We have also supported the development of the swimming pool, children’s trips and extra curricular theme week activities.
Chair - Caroline Henderson-Holmes
Treasurer - Angela Collins
Secretary - Vacant
Trustees - Caroline Henderson-Holmes, Angela Collins, Lucie Fairweather
Contact email -