Cedar Year 1/Year 2
Autumn Term 2 - 2024
Autumn Term 1 - 2024
During the last week of term, Cedar and Ash class went for a walk around the village. This linked to our topic 'Our School'. The children were fascinated by the different landmarks as we discussed how the village has changed.
Today we had a group of visitors come to talk to the class about Judaism, linked with our RE topic this term. The children had a great time looking at all of the special Jewish items, telling our guests what they have learnt and asking them questions to find out more. Thank you very much to our wonderful guests.
This week we have been looking at the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah in RE. The children tried apples with honey and pomegranate (some for the first time) which is what Jewish people eat during Rosh Hashanah which is the name for their New Year celebration. We have also looked at a story about a bird called Ziz who made a mistake and learnt to the importance of saying sorry.
This week the children tested their dribbling skills in PE and learnt how to stop a ball with their foot. They enjoyed playing sharks and fish on they playground, which used their new skills.
This week in Cedar class we had a go at testing the stability of different shapes for our DT project. Our project is 'designing a chair for baby bear'. The children worked in pairs to test the stability of cubes, spheres, cylinders and pyramids using playdough. They discovered that the triangular based pyramid was the most stable because it rolled down the slope at the highest point.
Summer Term
In Maths we practised our 5 times table in different ways. We even had a go at being the teacher!
In English we have been writing all sorts. We read a book about The Great Fire of London by Emma Adams and James Weston Lewis. At the end we pretended to be King Charles II rewarding his brave citizens with certificates detailing the great work they did helping out during the fire.
More 3D work in Art for Cedar class this term, it's been really fun. This time we very much enjoyed using clay. After exploring, rolling, joining, impressing and relief skills, we each designed and made a clay house tile.
We moved our spelling lesson outside when the heating and air-conditioning engineer arrived!
During our PSHE lesson we put theory into practice and went out to safely cross the road outside our school.
Spring Term
Our art this half term has been 3D and Sculpture. Using rolling, scrunching and folding in various ways, we have designed some great pieces.
Inspired by artist, Louise Bourgeois and her 1999 towering 30ft high bronze sculpture of a spider, 'Maman' (mummy); the last part of our art unit was to make a class sculpture of a giant spider. We made her from newspaper, masking tape and black and bronze paint. You can see her looking down on us in our library!
We've enjoyed our gymnastics unit in PE this half term. We've explored making shapes, jumps and rolls and trying them out on our large and small apparatus!
Autumn Term
Our Christmas Tree
Learning about non-fiction books
In our computing lessons we simulated being a barcode scanner
In Science lessons we have been investigating and learning about animals and humans
Summer 1
Today we went for our sponsored walk! We ended our walk with a play in the park.
Languard Fort
Martello Tower
Poetry performances
Whole Class part 2.mp4
Group part 1.MOV
Group part 2.MOV
Trio part 1.MOV
Trio part 2.MOV
Spring 2
British Science Week - KS1 Forensic Science Day
British Science Week - Tractor Visit
Spring 1