School Council
A welcome from Tia, Year 6, a School Council member.
Here at Eyke C of E Primary School, we have different committees and our committee is School Council. We consider raising money for a wide range of charities: Poppy Appeal, Children in Need and more. Furthermore, we try to improve our school and equipment having listened to the views of our class members! We also do a series of activities for fundraising: bake sales, Red Nose Day and non-uniform days.
£101.25 raised for Children In Need
Children in Need day- how fabulous do we all look!
Lovely school council selling poppies!
Remembrance Day assembly.
Red Nose Day fun!
Our Poppy Appeal fundraising! Well done Team Eyke!
Children in Need! We raised £171.98. Well done Team Eyke.
Poppy Appeal
Thank you to the School Councillors who gave up their break times last week to sell poppies in aid of the Poppy Appeal
School Council Children In Need assembly
The School Council decided that they would like to present an assembly to inform the school about Children In Need. We spoke about how some children aren’t as fortunate as we are and how best to help them.
We are looking forward to Children In Need on the 17th November.
Amelie (School Council member) along with some other Eyke children (Seb and Alice) went along to a Macmillan coffee morning this weekend. They are set to raise over £600!. This is a tremendous achievement and not only shows how thoughtful and kind the children of Eyke are, but also makes us very proud!
Raising money for charities is one of our main objectives this year in school council. It is very important to us that we promote our Christian values of compassion and creativity. It is so wonderful to see that Amelie has taken it upon herself to promote these values and has raised money for a spectacular cause.
Well done Amelie, Seb and Alice. We are all very proud of you.
Georgia is cutting 18 inches of her hair off for the Little Princess Trust! Here is Olly (school council member) and Georgia collecting up the donations.
Our School Council 2023/2024
Red Nose Day 2023 - We have donated £77.40!
Number Day in Aid of the NSPCC 2023
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