School Logo

Welcome to Eyke CofE Primary School

If you can believe, all things are possible

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School Vision and Aims

Our Vision

"If you can believe, all things are possible." Mark 9: 23


Our vision is for all our children to become aspirational individuals and confident learners, based on a foundation of Christian values, in order for them to be equipped for life in our ever-changing world. 


Our Aims

  • To maintain a happy, caring and safe environment in which all individuals feel value, special and confident.
  • To inspire and celebrate aspiration and high standards of work, behaviour and self discipline.
  • To help children develop ambition and acquire skills for life long learning, both as individuals and together.
  • To develop lively and enquiring minds through extending the children's natural curiosity and creativity and minimising barriers to learning.
  • To have effective relationships between families, school and the wider community, encouraging the development of Christian values.


